About Us
Troop 236 is a boy led Troop. Patrol Leaders are elected by the Scouts in their Patrol, and are responsible for guiding and leading his fellow Scouts, assigning duties at campouts, and helping the Troop run well.
The Senior Patrol Leader is elected by all of the Scouts in the Troop. He is the boy leader of the Troop, and in liaison with the Patrol Leaders he conducts the Troop and TLC meetings, and leads Troop activities.
Our Scoutmaster Mr. Czech is experienced and dedicated Scoutmaster with 30 years of experience.
Meetings are held each Tuesday evening at St. Joseph Church. The TLC plans the agenda and content of each meeting, and a Scout or Patrol may be asked to lead or instruct certain portions of the meeting.
Activities in a Troop 236 meeting could include:
Outdoor and Scouting skill development
Knot tying instruction
First aid reviews
Campout planning and menu selection
Advancement reviews
Scoutmaster ConferencesBoards of Review
and More
Several times a year Troop 236 serves our community by participating in projects that benefit our sponsor, city, school or others. A few service projects which Troop 236 has participated in include:
Food drives for our community food shelf
Feed My Starving Children
Cleanup projects
Church festival dining hall help
Eagle Scout projects
and More.
Four times a year Troop 236 holds a formal ceremony to recognize Scout achievements in front of family and friends. Scouts are reminded of the high Ideals to which they have pledged to live by, and are presented with Badges of Rank, Merit Badges, and Event patches. Scouts are expected to be in full uniform. Following the ceremony, refreshments are typically served, and socializing takes place.
Although Troop 236 encourages Scouts to attend all weekly meetings and Troop activities, it is understood that family commitments, schoolwork, athletics and extracurricular activities, and other circumstances will require some Scouts to occasionally miss attending.
When such commitments are fulfilled, Scouts are encouraged and welcomed back to regular attendance.