Many Point 2023

This site is designed to keep you in touch with what is happening with Scouts.  We will do our best to keep the site as up to date as possible. 

Upcoming Events:

13 July from 3 -4 pm Loading the troop trailers 

14 July meeting at St. Joe's at 8am Leaving for Many Point at 8:30am

Here it is

 The Many Point Sign Up Sheet. Sign up deadline is April 15th 2024.  There are options for the High Adventure sign ups also.  Reservations made after April 15 are possible but the cost is increased by $10.00. Once you sign up on our website, the troop will sign you up for your camping options via the Summer Camp Management System (SCMS).  SCMS is referenced in the Many Point Flyer.  Access to SCMS is given to the troop leadership. 

Adults will need to complete BSA youth protection training

 This sheet outlines the merit badge options available at Many Point and allows you to choose the merit badges and times while at camp.

There are several High Adventure options at Many Point this year and those are highlighted in the Many Point flyer (in pages 12-19).  Please look through the document to familiarize yourself with the options.  More information can be found on the official Many Point site.  

Anyone going to Many Point will need to get a physical exam and have their class A, B & C medical forms signed off by a physician.  There are several other forms that need to be filled out for various activities Which can be found in the resources section of this page


Troop recharter is due by the end of August. Families are encouraged to recharter online: if you wish to use your scout account please notify Mr. Czech to have the troop recharter for you. 

The link to recharter is here.

Any adults interested in interacting with youth, especially if participating in overnights, need to complete Youth Protection Training Here

At the Court of Honor 16 November, Mr. Czech received Certificates and Veterans Pins for 40 years of active membership in the Boy Scouts of America. Certificate and Letter of Congratulations from Northern Star Council Scout Executive and CEO John Andrews.  

Most recent Eagle project for our Troop. Great job Avery!!

Troop Yearly Event Calendar: 

PDF                Word 

Every second Tuesday of a month, we do Boards of Review for our scouts.  These meetings are the last step for a scout to attain a rank.  The adults needed for a Board of Review cannot be people that the scouts regularly interact with so the scout leaders are excluded.  The Boards of Review for the year are scheduled in the sheet at the link above.  Please sign up for a few so we can be covered for these important meetings.  Pre-meet at 7:40 p.m. with the boards of review starting at 8 p.m.